Oversized Danger: Virtual lecture and report launch

Oversized Danger: Virtual lecture and report launch

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This event marked the virtual launch of the report “The Lethal Danger of Pickups and Large SUVs to Pedestrians and Cyclists”.

Prof. Justin Tyndall (University of Hawai’i at Mãnoa) presented a keynote lecture, “The Effect of Front-end Vehicle Height on Pedestrian Death Risk”, which was followed by a Q and A.

The report was authored by the Coalition to Reduce Auto Size Hazards (C.R.A.S.H.), an initiative launched in August 2022 by an Ontario-wide coalition of 16 road safety and other community groups. The coalition is led by Advocacy for Respect for Cyclists (ARC), Bike Law Canada, Bike Windsor Essex, Community Bikeways (TCBC), Friends and Families for Safe Streets (FFSS), and Walk Toronto.

Based on current research, the report outlines the safety problems posed by the proliferating number of pickups and large SUVs on our roads, and canvasses lessons and approaches from other jurisdictions in dealing with over-sized and under-regulated dangers.

The recommendations for action are premised on an approach that prioritizes the safety of pedestrians, which includes virtually everyone at some point, and cyclists on public roads.

The Centre for Cities (UWindsor) and the Mobility Network (U of Toronto) were academic supporters of this community-based research report and launch events.

The report is available here.

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