Oversized Danger: Report and Recommendations to Address the Danger of Pickups and Large SUVs to Pedestrians and Cyclists in Canada

Oversized Danger: Report on the lethal danger of pickups and large SUVs

(18 April 2024)

The Centre for Cities and the University of Toronto’s Mobility Network are pleased to support this community-led report on vehicle size and pedestrian and cyclist danger.

Led by the Coalition to Reduce Auto Size Hazards (C.R.A.S.H.), this report outlines, based on current research, the safety problems posed by the proliferating number of pickups and large SUVs on our roads, and canvasses lessons and approaches from other jurisdictions in dealing with these over-sized and underregulated dangers.

The report sets out recommendations to federal, provincial, and municipal governments for effective measures to address the dangers posed by pickups and large SUVs to people walking and cycling.

The coalition’s recommendations for action are premised on an approach that prioritizes the safety of pedestrians, which includes virtually everyone at some point, and cyclists on public roads.

Report cover design: Spotvin Design + Branding

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