Claire Sanders
Claire is originally from Edmonton where she obtained her Bachelor of Science at the University of Alberta. She moved to the Essex region in 2007 where she obtained both a Masters degree in Biology and Bachelor of Education from the University of Windsor. Claire has been with the Essex Region Conservation Authority for over six years, first as the Remedial Action Plan Coordinator for the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup, and now as the Climate Change Specialist. In these roles, she facilitates partnerships and helps identify research and work plan priorities for the many individuals and agencies needed to address regional ecological challenges that are too complex to be addressed by a single organization alone.
Réjean Dufresne
Réjean Dufresne is an Academic Consultant at Conseil scolaire catholique Providence. He is responsible for Environmental Policies, Identity Building, Catholic Education and LGBTQ+ issues. He has been an educator for over 30 years: 21 years as a High School Teacher and over 10 years as an Academic Consultant. He is a father of 3 daughters (24-22-20) and climate change issues are very important to him as he is concerned for the future of his children and for the generations after. He urges everyone to work together to address climate changes!
Jane E. McArthur
Jane E. McArthur is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology/Social Justice at the University of Windsor. She combines her educational background in communications with her twenty-five years of working on issues of environmental and occupational health through community-based research, education and advocacy. Jane has received multiple awards and scholarships for her research and public engagement, including Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Top 5 Storyteller, Sociologists for Women and Society, (SWS), is an Informed Opinions Expert, an Affiliated Researcher with Health Research Centre for Violence Against Women (HRCVAW), a Research Assistant with Flip the Script, a founding member of the environmental group WOW (Windsor Essex on Watch ) and she participates in the Windsor Cancer Research Group (WCRG).
With past experience in Research Coordination and Assistance on projects including the “Risk Exploration Project”, “Living and Working in Essex and Kent Counties”, and “Lifetime Histories Breast Cancer Research Study”, Jane’s work is rooted in community-based health investigations with a view to prevention.
Though her recent work for improved well-being and justice has often had breast cancer as a focus, she also works through broader issues of health and well-being as they intersect with climate change, environment, gender, racialization, class and inequalities in power, all with a view to systems change, citizen empowerment and social change from the grassroots up through various levels of governance.
With a recognition of the importance of the role of the media in contributing to the construction of realities in contemporary society, investigating the production of discourses are a pivotal aspect of Jane’s ongoing work in community environmental health perspectives.
Jane’s dissertation research examines how women who work in an environment with an identified risk of breast cancer construct understandings and narratives of their risks and how women perceive and exercise agency in the acceptance, avoidance or negotiation of those risks.
She expects to graduate with her Ph.D. in 2020.
Dianne Saxe
Dr. Dianne Saxe is one of Canada’s most respected environmental lawyers, and was the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario 2015 to 2019. She was appointed unanimously by all MPPs to report to the Legislature on Ontario’s environmental, energy and climate performance, and to be the guardian of the Environmental Bill of Rights. Now heading SaxeFacts Law Professional Corporation, providing legal and strategic inspiration and direction on climate, energy and environment.
Sarah Cipkar
Sarah Cipkar currently works as the Community Developer at the Downtown Windsor Community Collaborative, a United Way funded partner focused on neighbourhood revitalization. Over the past 5 years, she has connected with residents and various community stakeholders with one goal: making the downtown neighbourhood a better place for all ages. From chairing the Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market committee, to municipal budget workshops, much of her experiences have been about learning, engaging people and advocating for the needs of the community.
She has also been heavily involved with the University of Windsor, graduating in 2015 with a Masters in Political Science with a thesis studying Citizen Participation in Detroit public transportation planning. During this time, she worked as both a research and graduate assistant, co-authoring and publishing several articles.
Lastly, Sarah was recently elected as a Trustee with the Greater Essex County District School Board in October of 2018. She has a commitment to pursuing evidenced-based decision-making, community-driven leadership, and equitable investments in our education system across Windsor and Essex county.
Sarah currently lives in downtown Windsor with her 4 year old daughter, Harvest.
Waasekom is of the Turtle Clan from Saugeen First Nation and Kettle and Stoney Point First Nations along the south eastern shores of our great Ancestor, Lake Huron. He is a ceremonial helper and learner of the sacred Anishinaabe language.
Waasekom is an avid volunteer, advocate and action-ist for First Nations led initiatives; as well as a trained chef specializing in Indigenous foods, Waasekom also walks with and supports non-indigenous communities on their journey to decolonize.
In 2017, Waasekom paddled the Great Lakes alongside the Earth and Water Walk to raise awareness about the state of the Great Lakes, and to petition for Great Lakes Personhood.
He is now presently the lead animator for Niwiijiiwok Doodemag, a grassroots initiative that is focussed on the reemergence of traditional indigenous governance.
Larry Silani
Larry Silani has a Master of Urban and Regional Planning Degree from Queens University, in Kingston Ontario, and is a Registered Professional Planner and a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. He has more than 30 years of experience as a professional planner in the Province of Ontario and is the Director of Development and Strategic Initiatives for the Town of Lasalle. In 2006, Larry was invited to deliver a presentation titled “Liveable Neighbourhoods, Healthy Communities” as a Smart Growth Symposium co-sponsored by New York University and the New York Chapter of the American Planning Association. He was a recipient of the 2006 Ontario Professional Planners Institute Award of Excellent for a new “Illustrated Zoning By-law and Development Standards Manual”. He is also a co-author of the “Healthy Places, Healthy People, Smart Choices for the Windsor-Essex Region of Ontario” document that received the 2008 Conservation Award from the Essex Region Conservation Authority. In 2016 Larry was invited to deliver a presentation on “Collaborating to Connect Neighbourhoods. Building a Cycling Network” and the Windsor-Essex Bike Summit.
Miranda Baksh
As an environmental educator with the TRCA and after completing her masters research related to park management and conservation biology, her passion lies within species conservation. However, no conservation effort can be as effective in the long-term without confronting the issues surrounding climate change.
After researching at the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre in Belize and at YorkU’s EcoCampus in Costa Rica, Miranda was able to see the effects of climate change first hand. Along with biodiversity conservation, she is mainly motivated by understanding that many communities around the world are currently facing the consequences of climate change, are highly vulnerable and the least responsible for global carbon emissions. She believes that as Canadians, though we have been slowly experiencing the effects of climate change (ticks, coastal flooding, polar bear threats…), we are privileged to have the technology and financial means to reduce our carbon footprint and alleviate the suffering of other nations and our own future.
Fumi Malott
Fumi Malott is a grade 12 student at Leamington District Secondary School. She is currently a Student Council Prime Minister and EcoTeam President. Involvement in her school’s EcoTeam has led her to where she is today -her role has given improved her leadership skills and ignited a passion for climate activism. In late 2019, she worked on organizing and hosting a climate summit for students in the Windsor-Essex County Region. The goal of this summit was to connect students with members of their municipal government and create a lasting relationship that can be used to work on climate action. Fumi plans on furthering her education at the University of Waterloo next year and continuing to have an active role in advocacy on relevant issues.
Kelsey Santarossa
Kelsey Santarossa is the Ward 3 Councillor for the Town of Lakeshore. Elected at 25 years-old, she is one of the youngest elected women in Ontario. Kelsey studied Modern Languages and Political Science at the University of Windsor and owned a small business before starting her career in the education and non-profit sectors. She first got involved in municipal politics at the age of 14 when she became a member of the Town of Lakeshore’s Youth Council. Today, she chairs this committee as a Councillor and supports the next generation of engaged youth. Outside of her political career, she works for Workforce WindsorEssex as the Community Engagement Coordinator for the WE Value Partnership – an initiative of the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario. This initiative engages organizations, agencies and institutions in moving the needle on settlement innovation in an effort to better connect newcomers to relevant services and opportunities in Windsor-Essex. She sits on several non-profit boards and committees including the Association des communautés francophones de Windsor-Essex et Chatham-Kent. Finally, in her constant effort to ensure that youth have a voice at the municipal level, she is the founder and Chair of the Youth Council Coalition of Canada, an organization working to ensure the success, development and influence of Canadian youth councils.
Dr. Kyle Bassett
Dr. Kyle Bassett is the Community Energy Plan Administrator in the office of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change for the City of Windsor. Kyle has spent his academic and professional careers focused on technologies enabling climate change mitigation including energy storage, wind turbine structural health monitoring and sustainable building methods. His humanitarian work has focused on environmental sustainability and poverty reduction in developing countries throughout Central America.
Nick Hector
Nick Hector is a documentary filmmaker and film professor at the University of Windsor. He has edited or produced more than 150 documentary films and programs across the globe. Nick’s creative work focuses on social justice and the environment and explores the possibilities of constructed narrative in cinéma-vérité. His work has been screened at most major international festivals including TIFF, Berlinale, MoMA, Mumbai, Melbourne, and Sundance. In his thirty-year practice, Nick has won Canadian Screen, HotDocs, Directors Guild of Canada, Canadian Cinema Editors, and Gemini Awards.
Aisha Paitevien
For the past 8 years, Aisha has been working on the development of social causes she cares about, such as healthcare for immigrant populations to Canada, and the environment. She currently works in sustainability as the Development Officer at the David Suzuki Foundation.
Aisha grew up around nature from the forests of the Pacific North-West to the mountains and beaches of Haiti where her family is from. She is passionate about the environment and its effects on people of colour, who are most affected by climate change. She enjoys hiking, being outdoors and exploring all downtown Toronto has to offer. Aisha is proud to represent the Canadian-Caribbean community.
Monica Moran-Venegas
Monica Moran-Venegas is a third-year law student at the University of Windsor. She went to Windsor Law to become an environmental lawyer after reading Warrior Lawyers by Silver Donald Cameron. Monica decided to liven-up the law school by placing potted plants throughout the law school through her Pits Plants Project.
Lana Oppen
Bosnian born and raised Canadian artist, Svjetlana Oppen is an active cinematographer and director seeking to understand herself and the world around her through film. She completed her graduate studies in Film and Media Arts at the University of Windsor. Her research focuses on immigrant life in transnational society. Previous films explored subjects such as challenges in the lives of disadvantaged, under-represented, at-risk youth groups, and also newcomer youth in Canada. Svjetlana currently serves as a Technical Director of the Windsor International Film Festival, overseeing film projection and the festival’s entire technical team.
Jennifer Prashad
Jennifer is a third-year law student at Windsor Law and a clinic student with the Transnational Environmental Law and Policy Clinic. She is currently working on a collaborative project with Detroit Mercy Law on litigation and policy strategies to combat the ongoing algal bloom problem in Lake Erie.
Maleeha Shahid
Elected in 2018 as the Councillor for East Ward 4, Maleeha Shahid is serving her first term on Council.
Maleeha is the Vice Chair of the General Government portion of Committee of the Whole. She is also the Mayor’s designate on the Whitby in Bloom Committee and the Whitby Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.
As a successful self-employed woman for over 10 years, Maleeha knows first hand what it takes to run a business. She can directly relate to the small and medium-sized business owners who are the backbone of Whitby. Maleeha is known for her excellent problem solving, customer service and interaction with the public. This is the type of valuable experience she brings to Council in managing growth in a responsible manner.
Maleeha has been actively involved as a member of the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise doing her part to bring people together to help make Whitby the best it can be. She is committed to ensuring that Whitby continues to be a prosperous, safe and thriving place to live and start a business.
For over 13 years Maleeha has been a resident of Whitby. She and her husband live in the East Ward with their three children. As a parent, homeowner, successful business person and community volunteer, Maleeha keeps an eye on issues that matter in her ward and to the community.
Laura Hasca
Laura Hasca is a 3rd year law student at the University of Windsor. Currently, she is a member of the Environmental Law Clinic. Her current project is called “Climate Laws” and focuses on the creation of a database and methodology to critically analyze provincial climate laws and regulations. At school, she is the Vice President of the Environmental Law society where she encourages students to learn more about pressing environmental issues. Prior to law school, she worked for a solar energy firm where she was exposed to climate mitigation Initiatives to transition to renewable energy. In her free time she enjoys playing tennis and reading a good book.
Adara Hagman
Hagman is a 16-year-old geneticist, augmented reality developer, activist, writer and aspiring genetic engineer, marine biologist, and astronaut. She began her journey with technology at the age of 14 as a social entrepreneur at Me to We in 2017 and is now a second-year innovator at The Knowledge Society and the Co-Founder of Photome, a project to genetically engineer “super-plants” that sequester more atmospheric carbon to help slow global warming. Adara is excited about genetic engineering (plant genetics + biological ecosystem engineering) and exploration (marine, space, + terrestrial) technology spaces. She’s on a mission to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. Currently, she’s working on how we can reach the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using emerging technologies. Adara is an advocate for environmental issues, mental health, and women + girls in technology. Recently, she interned at Elevate (Canada’s Tech Festival). In the past, she’s spoken at the WEGLC, Think Tank 2019, and Spark Hackathon.
Mike De Souza
Mike De Souza is a journalist with Global News. He was National Observer’s managing editor from June 2016 until July 2019. He has covered politics for more than a decade, focusing in recent years on energy and environment policies in government and industry. In 2017, Mike won a Canadian Association of Journalists award for his investigation that exposed a conflict of interest in the federal review of the Energy East pipeline project, which was subsequently terminated. A Montreal native, Mike has worked as a broadcast and print journalist in his home town, as well as the National Assembly in Quebec City, Parliament Hill in Ottawa and Calgary. He has worked for Reuters, Postmedia and The Montreal Gazette. He lead National Observer’s news coverage out of its Ottawa office on Parliament Hill from 2016 to 2019. A specialist in filing targeted access to information requests, Mike is constantly pursuing multiple lines of questioning and investigations and he always has an eye open for his next scoop.
Rino Bortolin
Born in Windsor, Rino Bortolin began his education at St. Angela Catholic Elementary School. A graduate of Catholic Central High School, he studied philosophy at the University of Windsor. He learned his culinary talent through many restaurants in the Windsor Area. He has been part of the hospitality industry for 22 years. Currently, Rino is the co-owner/operator, with his wife Anastasia Adams, of Rino’s Kitchen & Ale House.
Rino’s Kitchen’s success is built upon Bortolin’s passion for Windsor/Essex and his belief in supporting local businesses. He has owned and managed three Windsor-area restaurants including Vivo! Restaurante and the Black Kettle Bistro and understands what struggles businesses encounter. His business has supported and featured local farmers and producers even authoring a cookbook “Rino’s Kitchen: Cooking Local in Windsor and Essex County” based on all local ingredients. As head of the culinary tourism steering committee for Tourism Windsor-Essex Pelee Island he showcases the area as one the best and brightest of culinary destinations.
In his community work, Rino has served as Treasurer of Queen Victoria Public School Parent Council for the last 5 years. He has coached for Windsor Soccer Club and has taken part in both the Downtown Business and the Erie Street Business Improvement Areas.
Fabio Constante
Fabio Costante was born and raised in Windsor-Essex and has lived in Windsor’s west end for most of his life. Passionate about his community, Fabio founded a blog in 2010, ( that initially focused on sharing information related to crime in the neighbourhood and later developed into a powerful engagement tool for residents throughout the west end. Many residents engaged on the blog, and within a few years, Fabio was approached by the United Way Windsor-Essex to launch a neighbourhood renewal program. In 2013, the Our West End Neighbourhood Renewal program was launched–a grassroots initiative focused on community development and capacity building through resident engagement and empowerment.
Some notable achievements of Our West End include developing a comprehensive strategy for West Windsor and a Roundtable comprised of resident leaders from across the west end; advocacy on maintaining and developing parks, community centres, and general amenities in the neighbourhoods; organizing dozens of town halls, crime prevention training for residents; and supporting existing initiatives throughout Ward 2’s four distinct neighbourhoods.
In 2014, Fabio was elected as a Trustee on the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board representing Wards 2 and 9. During his time on the Board of Trustees, Fabio, along with his colleagues, secured millions of dollars for capital improvements and programming for Catholic schools in Windsor’s west end.
Fabio achieved three degrees from the University of Windsor: a Business Commerce Degree, Honours in Business and Economics (B.Comm.) in 2007, a Masters of Business Administration Degree (M.B.A.) in 2008, and a Juris Doctor Law Degree (J.D.) in 2013. Fabio is the recipient of the “Rising Star” award from the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce (2013), the “Changing Lives” award from the United Way Centraide Windsor-Essex (2013), the “Community Champion” award from the University of Windsor (2013), the “Odyssey” award from the University of Windsor Alumni Association (2015), and the “Emerging Leaders in the Law” award from University of Windsor Law (2018).
Dr. Patricia Galvão Ferreira
Professor Galvão Ferreira teaches Environmental Law and International Environmental Law and supervises students at the Transnational Environmental Law Clinic, a joint program of Wayne State University Law School and Windsor Law.
Galvão Ferreira holds an SJD from the University of Toronto, where she also earned a concurrent interdisciplinary doctoral degree at the Munk School of Global Affairs on “dynamics of global change.”
Her research examines how evolving international law principles and transnational regulatory initiatives contribute to state compliance with multilateral environmental agreements, particularly the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Her research agenda employs a transnational approach to sustainable development and global justice. She is particularly interested in the role of emerging economies in reshaping international law and global governance, and how this may affect efforts to promote global justice and sustainable development.
Galvão Ferreira spent the last year as a Law Foundation of Ontario Scholar at Windsor Law. Her current research focus is on international environmental law, particularly the transformation of the international environmental law principle of differentiation, and how it impacts the fair allocation of global environmental efforts and costs among developed and developing countries.
Before joining Windsor Law, Galvão Ferreira was a postdoctoral fellow at the International Law Research Program at the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), where she remains a research fellow. At CIGI, she worked as part of cross-disciplinary teams researching the economic, the security and the legal aspects of global governance. Galvão Ferreira has expertise in international climate governance and has attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Her research agenda on the international climate regime includes studies on climate finance and, more recently, technology development and transfer in the climate change context.
Dr. Michael Darroch
Michael Darroch is Associate Professor of Media Arts and Culture in the School of Creative Arts, and Associate Dean, Partnership Development & Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Windsor. He was Founding Director (2010-16) and is now Co-Director of the IN/TERMINUS Creative Research Collective. He held a Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory (University of London, 2015), a Humanities Research Group Fellowship (University of Windsor, 2016-17), and a McLuhan Centenary Fellowship (iSchool, University of Toronto, 2016-18). Recent SSHRC-funded projects have investigated international connections at the foundation of interdisciplinary media studies in postwar Toronto and Canada. He co-edited the collection Cartographies of Place: Navigating the Urban (MQUP 2014), an interdisciplinary collection that situates different historical and methodological currents in urban media studies. His publications engage with issues in urban media cultures, history of media and media studies, borderlands studies, performance, language, sound, and translation.
Shawn Micallef
Shawn Micallef thinks and writes about where and how we live. Widely credited as an authority on Canadian urbanism, Shawn is the author of four books, a weekly columnist at the Toronto Star, and co-owner, co-founder, and a senior editor of the award–winning magazine Spacing. Shawn teaches at the University of Toronto. In 2002, he co-founded [murmur], the location-based mobile phone documentary project that has spread to over 25 cities globally. In 2016, he hosted and co-wrote Accidental Parkland, a documentary on Toronto’s ravines. He has been a Canadian Journalism Fellow at University of Toronto’s Massey College, the Toronto Public Library’s urban-focused Writer in Residence, and a resident at the Canadian Film Centre’s Media Lab. He lives in Toronto but was made in Windsor.
Doug Sartori
Doug Sartori has more than 15 years of experience in software development, solution design, and project management. He’s currently the Principal Consultant for P42 Systems where he works on products used in organizations around the world, from Fortune 500 companies to small enterprises. Doug founded Windsor Hackforge, a non-profit organization dedicated to capacity building in technology, to help build an educated and empowered community. Doug joined the board in 2014 and served as President & Chair between 2016-2019.
Brandon Fragomeni
Brandon is a second-year law student at the University of Windsor. Prior to law school, he earned a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Guelph and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, where his primary research involved assessing public legal service delivery in Indigenous communities in Canada. He is currently contributing to the Case Law Database among other projects for NSRLP. In addition to the NSRLP, Brandon is involved with Innocence Windsor, and works as co-producer for human rights podcast, “The Hum”.
Aisha Poitevien
Aisha Poitevien works in the sustainability field as a development officer for the David Suzuki Foundation, and has recently written a piece in February’s issue of The Star titled, “Why is the Canadian environmental movement so white?”. In this piece, she reflects on the long history of sustainability and environmentalism in the Black and POC communities.
Amy Farkas
Amy has over six years of experience as a planner with a diverse background in mobility planning, project management, data analysis, facilitation and public engagement. Her interest is aimed at developing pedestrian-scaled designs that promote inclusive and accessible communities. Since starting at Dillon, Amy has been obtaining planning approvals for a number of private sector residential development projects within Windsor/Essex County.
Gil Penalosa
Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa is passionate about creating cities for all people. He has inspired and advised decision makers in more than 350 different cities around the world on how to create vibrant cities with healthy communities where all people can live happier, regardless of age, gender, ability, or socio-economic or ethnic status. His focus is on the design and use of parks, streets, sidewalks as great public places, as well as sustainable mobility: walking, riding bicycles, taking public transit, and new uses of cars. Gil highlights the benefits to public health, environment, mobility, economic development.
Gil is Founder and Chair of 8 80 Cities, a successful Canadian based international non-profit organization, grounded on a simple but powerful concept which still guides much of his work: What if everything we did in our cities had to be great for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old? Surely, we would end up with fantastic cities for all!
David Miller
David Miller is a leading voice in seeking out and promoting climate change solutions. His roles have included that as Mayor of Canada’s largest city, Chair of the influential c40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and President & CEO of World Wildlife Fund – Canada.
He is a lawyer who graduated from Harvard in Economics and has an Honourary Doctorate in Environmental Studies from Waterloo University. He is also a former Fellow at New York University Tandon School of Engineering.
He is currently the Director, International Diplomacy at the C40 Climate Leadership Group. C40 is the leading global network of cities committed to addressing climate change in order to improve the health of our people, our cities, and our planet. The organization connects more than 90 of the world’s greatest cities, representing over 650 million people and one-quarter of the global economy.
While Mayor of Toronto (2003-2010), under his leadership, Toronto became widely admired internationally for its environmental leadership, economic strength and social integration. Miller is a leading advocate for the creation of sustainable urban economies, and a strong and forceful champion for the next generation of jobs through sustainability.
Prior to joining the C40, Mr. Miller served as President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund-Canada, Canada’s foremost conservation organization. The WWF creates solutions to the most serious conservation challenges facing our planet, helping people and nature thrive.
Lori Newton
Lori Newton is the Executive Director at Bike Windsor Essex, the local cycling advocacy group promoting safe bicycling in the region.
Dr. Edwin Tam
Dr. Edwin Tam is affiliated to Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor. Dr. Edwin Tam has authored and co-authored multiple peer-reviewed scientific papers and presented works at many national and International conferences. Dr. Edwin Tam contributions have acclaimed recognition from honourable subject experts around the world. Dr. Edwin Tam is actively associated with different societies and academies. Dr. Edwin Tam academic career is decorated with several reputed awards and funding. Dr. Edwin Tam research interests include End of life vehicle recycling, Brownfields management, Assessing infrastructure sustainability, Life cycle assessment approaches.
Jane McArthur
Jane E. McArthur is currently a PhD Candidate in the Doctoral Program in Sociology (Social Justice) at University of Windsor, with a focus that integrates environmental sociology, environmental health, and action and advocacy through research. With a recognition of the importance of the role of the media in contributing to the construction of realities in contemporary society, investigating the production of discourses are a pivotal aspect of Jane’s ongoing work in community environmental health perspectives. Her dissertation research examines how women who work in an environment with an identified risk of breast cancer construct meanings and understandings of this risk and how women perceive and exercise agency in the acceptance, avoidance or negotiation of those risks.
Dr. Vincent Manzerolle
Vincent Manzerolle’s teaching and research deals with the history, political economy, and theory of media. He has published on a range of topics including financial technologies, digital marketing and advertising strategies, consumer databases, apps, wireless connectivity, border infrastructure, online audiences, mobile payment systems, and media theory.
Dr. Manzerolle is a co-editor of The Audience Commodity in a Digital Age (Peter Lang, 2014) a book on the political economy of digital audiences, and a co-editor of Mobile and Ubiquitous Media (Peter Lang, 2018). He is currently writing a book for Routledge on how mobile technology has transformed workforce organization and management. He was the lead researcher (Canada) for the 2014 Web Index published by the World Wide Web Foundation, and has done policy work for the Ontario government on the topic of mobile governance and accessibility.
Dr. Kendall Soucie
Dr. Kendall Soucie completed my B.A. at the University of Windsor, and Ph.D. from Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan. As part of her predoctoral training, she worked alongside several multidisciplinary teams to promote integrative team science initiatives around health disparities in the Department of Pediatrics at Wayne State University School of Medicine and in the Office for the Vice Provost of Research (OVRP). Dr. Soucie’s research program focuses on the social, cultural, and institutional contexts within which identity and psychological health and wellness develop, i.e., within relationships, as part of communities, and as connected to larger cultural institutions. She also examines the intersections of health and narrative identity, particularly around the diagnosis and management of chronic health conditions within women’s health (specifically polycystic ovary syndrome). Dr. Soucie is also a strong proponent of mixed methods research designs and integrate qualitative and quantitative analyses into these domains of research.
Windsor Law Cities and Climate Action Forum Students:
Peter Dalglish
Peter Dalglish is in his final year at Windsor Law. He holds a BA in political science from McGill. Passionate about climate change and municipal law, Peter has enjoyed using his legal education to learn more in both areas through the Cities & Climate Action Forum.
Antonia Hristova
Antonia Hristova is completing her final year in the J.D. program at Windsor Law. Her passion for sustainability developed during her prior work experience in the solar energy industry. Last year she represented Windsor Law at the Willms & Shier Environmental Law Moot Competition. She completed a semester at the Environmental Law Clinic (Faculty of Law) where she completed a research project on Transnational Climate Networks. She is also a member of the University of Windsor Environmental Sustainability Task Force. Antonia transcends her academic experience through community outreach as she plans and facilitates events in her role as the Co-President of the Environmental Law Society at Windsor Law.
Jessica Jakubowski
Jessica Jakubowski is in her final year at Windsor Law. She has a long-standing interest in advocating for those disenfranchised by the legal system. She completed her Master’s Degree in Criminology and Sociolegal Studies at the University of Toronto, where she dedicated her research to mandatory minimum sentencing policies in Canada. She also recognizes the importance of climate change litigation and is eager to work on heightening municipalities’ roles in mitigating climate change.
Stefan Sistilli Sguazzin
Stefan Sistilli Sguazzin is completing his final year in the J.D program at Windsor law. It was his time in his undergrad at the University of Toronto that sparked his interest in the environment as he studied multiple courses relating to forestry, conservation and the impacts of climate change.
Victoria Gordon
Victoria Gordon is in her final year of the Canadian and American Dual J.D. program at the University of Windsor and the University of Detroit Mercy. She has had a personal interest in environmental issues for many years and completed her Undergraduate Honours Bachelor of Science, Specialization in Biology and Psychology at Queen’s University. This led Victoria to develop an interest in the ethical considerations and legalities surrounding the effects of climate change and how policies can mitigate it. Victoria’s most formative experiences in law school include studying Environmental Law and acting as a Student Attorney in the Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Detroit Mercy. These experiences have made Victoria passionate about gearing her career toward one practicing with environmental issues in mind.
Sarah Gulas
Sarah is a third year law student at the University of Windsor. Prior to law school, Sarah completed her Masters of Resource and Environmental Management at Dalhousie University where she conducted research on arctic marine policy and international governance of the arctic region. Before her time in Nova Scotia, Sarah completed her Honours Bachelor of Science at McMaster University, where spent time studying the impacts of industrial contaminants on fish behaviour in the Hamilton Habour.
Ali Tejani
Ali holds a Combined Honors Bachelor’s degree in Arts & Science and Economics from McMaster University, is currently a JD Candidate (Class of 2020) at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. His current legal interests include access to justice, environmental law, legal technology and legal innovation. Ali works as a research assistant for the National Self-Represented Litigants Project, an organization that advocates for better understanding of the needs, motivations and challenges of self-represented litigants, and develops resources to improve access to justice. Ali also works for Windsor Law’s Career Services Office and Windsor Law’s Academic Success Program. Ali is also on the Executive Board of the Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues. Ali will begin articling in August with the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Court Services Division.
Tasha Stansbury
Tasha Stansbury (she/her) has been a dedicated activist since her teens. She completed her Honours BA at the University of Toronto in Equity Studies. Tasha continued her advocacy work throughout law school, and holds executive member positions in several social justice-oriented clubs. She is passionate about environmental activism and is particularly interested in environmental racism and food justice. Tasha loves spending time outdoors, particularly hiking and camping, and worked for three summers as a wildland firefighter. After graduating law school, Tasha will be pursuing an LLM on the subject of climate refugees.
Aadil Nathani
Aadil Nathani is a third year student at Windsor Law. Prior to coming to law school, Aadil grew up in Scarborough, Ontario, and obtained his Honours BA from the University of Toronto where he completed his degree in Criminology and Ethics, Society & Law. Aadil is a passionate advocate, specifically focused on immigration/refugee issues, human rights and Islamophobia. Aadil has been interested in climate action for over a year now, sparked by recognizing the urgent need for action on all fronts. This past January, Aadil founded a non-profit organization, Green Ummah (“Green Community”), which will work on climate action and sustainable living initiatives within the Canadian Muslim community. Once completing law school, Aadil will start his articles with the Corporation of the City of Windsor and will continue working on climate action initiatives through Green Ummah.