New podcast “Just Planet: Laws, Life and Global Crises” from Sukanya Pillay touches city-related topics

The new series from Centre for Cities-affiliated researcher Sukanya Pllay often addresses city-related topics. Recent episodes have included housing rights, local government during pandemic, and building a human rights city.

Patriotism, COVID-19 and Sheltering in Place (2 July 2020)

Some true patriot love & violence and then a deep dive on COVID-19 and self-isolation, and sheltering in place with special guest Leilani Farha, global expert and former UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing.

What’s Canada doing right and wrong on Coronavirus? Blair Bigham (16 July 2020)

Toronto emergency room doctor Dr. Blair Bigham speaks with host Sukanya Pillay going behind the scenes to tell us what Canada did, didn’t do, and should do for the next wave of COVID-19 or the next pandemic.

ACLU’s Esha Bhandari on protecting American civil liberties during coronavirus (23 July 2020)

Senior Staff Attorney Esha Bhandari, who’s coordinating ACLU’s cross-country COVID-19 efforts, speaks out about the high stakes of expanded government powers relative to civil rights and civil liberties, and ACLU’s work to prevent the weaponizing of COVID-19.

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